Still not quite finished and to my horror she keeps falling over. Hmm will have to think about that. Just a few little finishing touches. She didn't want a bird in a nest in her hair, opted for a very odd hat. Still she is almost there, may need a stick. Terrible day today, warm and blow g a gale this morning g, with me having a bad reaction to pollen and feeling awful. An early start to the hay fever season. Now thank goodness it is raining g a bit so the air is fresher and a lot cooler
Have an idea for a different mouse, perhaps a rat. We will see.
She's quite lovely. I wonder if she's taking a nip or two when you're not looking -- perhaps she's just a bit tipsy. I love the colors you've used.
Oh, I think she is so sweet. She reminds me at first glance of an old friend from the years when we partied. Something about the expression on her face, and the clothes she is wearing....
She looks wonderful, you do good work. Hope everything is going well with you sorry I haven't been keeping up but I have been taking a step back from the computer activities but I'll try and make it more often.
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