It had hardly rained at all when I emptied Georges kitty litter tray early this morning, then it came in slowly and quietly, we have had nearly 10 mm of rain so far. I went into the market and luckily had my umbrella so didnt get drenched like some people. No walk as it steadily came in, driving home you couldnt see the end of the valley. I have had this sock yarn for years, probably since I last knitted my first pair of socks. So I decided I needed a challenge. This is all I have done so far, but at least I didnt twist the wool, and I did find 4 almost matching needles.I think it may take me a while but I am quite enjoying it, although I am having to concentrate, still there is only football on the tv and I can listen to that not watch it. I am so pleased with this rain as it was so gentle and the garden was in need of a good soaking. The strange photo at the top is of the three symbols for the Flinders/ Baudin bi centenary, They met off the bay, called Encounter Bay after the chance meeting of two ships from warring nations. amazing they even saw each other as they were mapping the coastline from different directions. This was our memorial to the English, French and Aboriginal inhabitants, the third odd looking one is a knobby club rush for the local inhabitants who used it for basket making. John was Mayor when this was done. Of course the two captains didnt think that the land was inhabited, or if it was, the locals were of no significance.I rather like it but there has been some controversy, when isnt there.
It has poured with rain here too - we have had so much rain since last September that the land is soaked and no farmer can begin the Spring working. Very worrying. It is years since i knitted on four needles - did like the look of that so might try it again.
Your sock wool is beautiful You will succeed with lovely socks - and I tell you that it is fun to knit. I made my first pair in my life - I think - lately. Actually don't need them. But I wanted to be occupied ----- during this awfully rainy time, here in Germany. - instead of warm spring weather.
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