Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wild,wet, windy and cold

double click to enlarge. Sorry about the blurry photos, rain on my lens. We made another foray into Victor to try and walk and all looked quite calm in the town itself but by the time we got to Petrels' the wind had come up and the sea was what we call washing machine like, huge waves every so often pounded in and went half way up the Bluff. We nearly got blown off the path the wind was so strong and getting stronger. My poor camera kept getting rain on the lens and I would shove it back into my pocket as I was afraid of losing it. The squalls of rain came in quite fast but we rugged up well and managed to walk almost to the beach, not much point in going down as the water was against the steps to the beach and there wasnt much beach there any way. Invigorating but it was lovely to get into the car with the heater on high and dry out our pants. so far this is being a proper winter but one does rather want to sit by the fire and not do a lot. Still waiting for the creek to come up though.


Anonymous said...

Wow it does look stormy! I love being out in weather like that but as you say- nice to get warm and dry again afterwards! :-)

Barry said...

P - certainly looks like the weather to drive one indoors - I have found it harder to walk as often lately with the cold, wind and rain. The photos show just how challenging it can be. B