Back to feeling tired. I have new exercises to do and they are pushing things a bit. I seem to be back to reading and hand sewing, although I did a short paddock walk and got very wet feet. we were going to walk the cliffs but it rained. I had shopped and gone to the market and nursery to get some plants so perhaps that was enough exercise.
I have finished the hares and have now begun some chickens like the ones Sue Spargo does, just a bit of fun and nonsense to play with I found a piece of blanket and some wool felt. We have had showers most days but not what I would call decent rain. I made a yummy fish pie last night using some smoked cod which added to the flavor, odds and ends in a white sauce and mashed potato, there is enough for dinner tonight so I only have to do vegetables, I rather like it when I don't really have to cook.
Smiled at the idea of your fish pie lasting two nights! That's what I like to do. Isn't it nice to get up and think you don't have to think about lunch apart from the veggies?
The fish pie sounds pretty good to me. I like the stitchery too and I am glad you have something to enjoy while you can't do much else, though it sounds as if you are getting plenty of exercise while shopping. Hope the exercises improve soon. Cheers
We always had smoked cod at easter. I love it, but only like the new zealand cod. The south african one does not taste as nice. In fact I couldnt eat it.
I am always amazed at how much work you fit into your day. You are an inspiration Penny.
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