Whales had been sighted here yesterday so the rubber ducky that calls itself a whale watching tour was out, the seas were so huge it kept on disappearing, I would not have liked to have been out in it. I would have been terrified and sea sick for sure.
If you double click on the collage it should get larger.
I loved the huge bush of aloes that was in full flower just behind the beach, the little stream coming out onto the beach suddenly got swamped by a huge wave that came right up into the tranquil pool, (2nd from right at the top and then bottom right).
Lovely contrasts between huge waves and spray and the orange granite rocks and the vegetation.
Wonderful, and the sound!
After my early grey grey walk with Max it lifted up my spirits no end.
I have a lovely husband who sometimes lets me waste his time.
1 comment:
Glad I wasn't on that whale watching boat either Penny. Wonderful photos as usual. Cheers
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