I was glad I had all my wet weather gear on my top half, we could see that there was rain but decided that we would be alright but not walk too far, well of course I started taking photos and then we slipped and slid down to a small beach where you could really see and hear the waves pounding on the rocks. I tried to get them so you could see how huge they were but some how it doesnt seem to come through.
It was huge fun and even though the last shower was quite wet and my jeans were pretty soaked at the back it was worth it.
The first photo was taken from the top of the cliffs and of the beach we walked down to, you can see the showers out to sea. Then the waves on the rocks taken from the beach.
I hadnt quite made it down to the beach when I took this one of John with the waves breaking ahead of him.
Looking east towards the Bluff through the dampness and rain and another of the rocks and the waves.
My poor little camera got a bit wet so I hope it is going to survive, it puts up with an awful lot.
I think if you click on the photos they will come up larger.
Robyn Gordon asked if our farm bordered the sea, I must find a map which will show where we are, but no we are about 8 miles as the crow flies or I suppose 14 kilometres away. A bit further if we drive in but there are back roads we can take to get to this bit and Parsons Beach but nothing within walking distance.
However Victor Harbor is on the sea so all shopping appointments, mail etc has to be got from there and we drive in most days.
I would walk more on the farm but since I hurt my knee and not seeing terribly well with my eye, I am not terribly stable in the paddocks, especially at this time of the year when they are so muddy and rough, and I cant see as well as I did and I tend to trip on things so walks with John on beaches are up to a point safer, getting up and down cliffs not necessarily so!
The first photo, Penny looks like an optical illusion. The sea appears very much higher than the land. I get the feel of the power and sound of those waves from your last photo...you captured it well. They are beautiful!
Actually, it's the third photo that that captures the power and sound of the sea! :)
Well you are still pretty close to the sea which is rather wonderful. It looks quite miserable in these photos making me want to retire in to a coffee shop and watch from there. My husband will enjoy these photos.
I love rocks! Your pics are beautiful, and capture the majesty and power of nature. Thank you.
Wonderful surf, Penny. I think the one with all the frothy waves and the last one (as Wanda says) show what you wanted us to share. I love to enlarge your photos and just drink everything in.
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