The museum had in association with the Waterhouse Club, which we are members of, organised a trip down there with the Museum curator Dr Suzanne Miller and a couple of other museum staff to look at both the geology and the biological stuff that should have been available but unfortunately the weather was not at all kind.
At least rocks stay put. Although even getting to the interesting ones was a bit frought with large seas over the path around the corner.
This shows how the cliff was folded and inclined and various other terms I cant remember. I dont think I will go into how old or how but it shows phyllite quartzite and marble . Just lety us say it is spectacular and very easy to get to and the whole area is quite lovely.
The first photo is of the little swimming beach and looking roughly towards Adelaide and the third I took of the sea to show how rough it was by the little jetty.
We had a lovely day, a great lunch and dinner with us diving home in between to change and feed the animals.