Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sorting work room no 2

the first photo is of the little cupboard i bought for $15 and john spent a lot more re doing. It finally came in today (and is my back aching!) and I sort of sorted that room out, it is where I do my cutting out and stamping and painting, no not the watercolors, they are in the sun room, this room faces south and the light is not very good. There is a bed and huge wardrobe in there but the wardrobe is full of our clothes and the bed is covere d in 'stuff' at the moment. I did manage to re hang most of the paintings at cost to life and limb. As you can see lots of plastic containers and paper bags holding more stuff.
I have a bit more room but dont ask me where. Tomorrow i will put up the horror workroom, my sewing room, I tidied up one cupboard today in there!
I still need another decent bookcase somewhere, the hall if I can find room.
Very hot today at least 38 degrees out here and we are in Adelaide tomorrow where no doubt it will be hotter again.


Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Your sure have lots of stuff! Perhaps we all need build-in bookcase type open cupboards, especially at the level where do don't have to climb up or bend down to find what we need. I've turned one bedroom into a computer/book/files room, and as for painting - well, we have a large all-purpose lounge room to spread out in. For a couple of years I had a group of five people coming each week for sketching and kids coming to learn piano but I got tired of that. No fancy velvet settees in our house.

Doreen G said...

I have 2 big pantry cupboards in my workroom and Stephen removed all 4 doors off them so I can see everything.
I also have 2 bookcases that are chockers with books and folders.there are also 14 archival boxes stacked up and labelled with what's inside--and I still can't find what I am looking for.