Friday, September 11, 2009

Walking the old road

Some one had cut out a piece of a fallen tree and left this wonderful orange scar with all the trees life lines.
Further along this gum was shedding its bark and looking decidedly tattered.
If you look carefully you will see a pair of wood duck by this duck pond.
Further on the neighbour's poplars are still in their winter dress but I dont think with this hot weather that their leaves will be far off.
This is the old road where we used to get stuck if the creek came up in flood and where we went through so very carefully the night before Nick was born to get into the hospital, the creek was rising and it was pouring with rain and in those days it was the only way in to the town.
Now we can get out of the valley several different ways.
Finally home and coming up the orchard this ash tree, no I dont think it is an ash and I cant remember what it is, I know I grew it from seed, any way it is decked out in its spring flowers.
I am still enjoying Judith Wrights poetry and here is another little bit,

"It is wise in the young
to let heart go racing heart,
to believe that the earth
is young and safe and sweet;

and the message we should send
from age back to youth
is that every kiss and glance
is truer than the truth."


Wanda..... said...

Beautiful scenes, thoughts and poetry Penny.

Unknown said...

gorgeous photos! Love the walk.