Not that the pictures of the flowers in my garden are woes, but at the moment my laptops screen is blank and apparently needs a new globe which will take a week to get here. So I am using the keyboard and looking at the monitor which we borrowed and which is up very high so I get a crick in my neck and my bifocals dont work!
One good thing though is that it is raining, not much and is very humid but we hope for 5 mm at least. I got wet feeding the ponies this afternoon and it is nice to hear all the birds, especially the parrots in the trees carrying on and the sound and smell of rain.
Adelaide yesterday and Mummy was not in a good mood at all, I think they have changed her medication, I must find out. sometimes i wonder if she wouldnt be better just sitting in a daze than this bad tempered angry woman who isnt my mother at all.
I am reading Susan Duncan's new book The House at Salvation Creek and she is finding problems with an ageing mother too, not quite the ones we have but I think it may be heading that way. Why are we living so long when the quality of our lives is so awful.
I cant show what I am doing as they are all Christmas gifts and I really am in a panic now as it is all taking so much longer to get done, having to feed ponies twice a day doesnt help in both time and tiredness .
Beautiful flowers Penny, I commiserate with you on your mother's woes - nursing home life is no fun whatsoever. Cheers, Robin
Because we keep treating the frail elderly for things that in the past would have quietly taken them - also flu and pneumonia vaccinations are almost compulsory for nursing home residents - so they have to get frailer and frailer, sitting waiting, until they succumb from untreatable things like bedsores, falls... Most people just refuse to discuss these issues, hoping it won't happen to them. It behoves one to make the most of one's life while one can, make some end of life planning in advance and put it in writing lest your relatives not all be in agreement or don't understand that there comes a time when their role is to let go. The super-frail elderly are paying a high price for the existence of antibiotics.
I too am in a panic and behind on reading my favorite blogs, trying to get stuff done and I feel like I'm wading through mud...
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