Monday, June 26, 2006


These are a few of the photos I took of the children, Will and Evie, the first one is at the zoo with John looking at a giraffe and discussing the zebra's which were hidden at the back.
The second one is at the beach looking at a pair of black swans, I always think it odd to see black swans in seawater, I suppose because I think of them as fresh water birds.As you can see the sea was very still and it was lovely, although this has come out a bit darker than I had hoped.A wonderful place to live so close to.
The third one is playing cricket in the front garden, as the house is being renovated not much is being done to the garden. They had a wonderful time and no balls were lost to the neighbours which I thought was pretty good.
I have had a terrible day as my younger sister is trying to get our mother into a nursing home and she (my mother) is adamant that she is not going, at 93 the time has really come, so I am waiting to know when I go up to try and talk her around. I am not looking foreward to it one bit.

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