Monday, August 20, 2007

TAST scroll stitch

I cant say I particularly liked this stitch, it didnt seem to want to stay where I put the little knots. Some looks suspiciously like barbed wire, but I could see it is a useful one to have in my sample book.
I am sewing a cot quilt at the moment and have just finished the cushion I had embroidered while we were at Coffin Bay, so not totally unproductive. John is still filling cracks and painting in the sitting room so there is a total disaster in there, I will be pleased when I can dust and vacuum and get it back together again.
I was very pleased to see that both the South Australian AFL teams one yesterday and I happened to catch Ports thriller of two goals in less than a minute. Nice to see my Crows win again too.
A beautiful day and I should be out in it but I am back wearing a skirt today grr grr and so am doing some inside jobs.

1 comment:

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Ah, but what about Geelong who are having an amazing season this year. Have finally got their act together to play as a team. I hope they don't muck it up in the final.