Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Anchorage

This is one of the last Guest houses left in Victor Harbor, there used to be quite a lot but one by one they have been bulldozed.
Luckily this one has been turned into a succesful restaurant/coffee house with fascilities for small conferences and rooms to stay in right on the sea front.
Such a shame that the rest have gone but most were not built very well and had salt damp, this one may too but somehow, probably because of its situation has survived.
My favorite place for coffee and consistently good meals. The railway line is at the back so at weekends you can watch the steam trains go by as well.
Back to winter conditions today, freezing cold and drizzly rain and so the fire has been lit again.
I am having a sort of quiet week this week, doing the garden and a few indoor jobs, stupidly I pulled a muscle in my side yesterday pulling weeds.

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