Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wet and windy

I took these photos as a squall and thunderstorm were going past, the lemon scented gum was waving around like mad, the gutters were overflowing and the rain was pelting down. I dont think we have had a huge amount of rain as it came down very quickly and then it was calm and then off with another front coming through.
If you click on the photos you can see the rain pelting down.
So a good day to stay inside and try to finish sorting out my two rooms, I dont know what I would do if it was only one! Give up I think.
Just a short post tonight but I found some small quotes on friendship that I had taken off the net in 2006 so here is one, a Nigerian proverb

"Hold a true friend with both your hands."


Robin Mac said...

Glad you have had a bit ofrain Penny, and doesn'tsound like you have had the terrible winds which Melbourne had. Very foggy here today, I am off to take some photos. Cheers, Robin

Wanda..... said...

You really had some large rain drops hitting the sidewalk Penny...
your craft room looks very interesting and those large helicopters are extremely loud...aren't they...I usually run for my camera too.

Caroline said...

Wow penny, I love your place! I looks like heaven to me! How is it you get anything done!