Sunday, June 08, 2008

Walk around the Bluff and an embellished piece

This morning we had to be in early to get a freezer a friend had for sale and after loading up the kids trailer we went around by Whalers at the bluff and walked around the bottom and that is the first photo I dont think I have taken this bit before.
Then to my delight we saw a seal playing very close to the road and the rocks. We used to dive all over this area so the bottom is as familiar to us as it probably is to the seal. I had awful trouble getting photos as every time I clicked he had rolled over so I have several photos of the sea but this one isnt too bad.
We went around by the jetty and as it is a long week end here (Queen's Birthday, happy Birthday your Majesty) there were lots of people fishing there and off the rocks and I doubt if any had seen the seal. Probably why they were not catching much.
The next photo is of Wright Island looking rather like a giant whale.
Click on the photos to enlarge them.
It was 11 degrees so we stopped for a coffee and came home.
The couple of samples are embellished but not so far enriched, this is seeing what happens when you push from the back of the piece. It is quite interesting.
It is supposed to be raining this afternoon so before that happens I have caught the last of the bantams who have large bits of rock hard "stuff" around their toes and moved them up into a shed with a concrete floor. Probably rats and mice but better than losing their toes.
I am trying to attack my mermaid pattern but other things have got in the way, like painting lutradur but more of that another day.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I think I heard that whales are lying off victor harbour - could that be right? Looks like you're keeping well and busy - rain, maybe tomorrow. My sister is visiting and I have been sketching her little Shula.