Sunday, April 17, 2016

Flowers and maps

A few flowers from the garden, there is not much out there but I love these cosmos. I sort of made a map over the last few days , from home to the walk on the cliffs. I have a lot of photos of the middle bit but didnt want to bore any one. Amazing how when you sit down to do it you cant remember all the turn offs and houses. I have meant to do this for ages and now it is done. The orchids are really blooming in the sun room too. Warm days and cool nights.


The Weaver of Grass said...

That map is absolutely lovely - it needs framing

Penny said...

I love the idea of making a map!

Barry said...

Hi P - sorry I have not dropped in often enough lately - enjoying the trip too much!! I love the way you made a map of your walk - what a great record but also what a great way to get your mind to notice and hold the beauty you experienced. Enjoy. B