Friday, July 31, 2015

Cold, frosty, windy walks and a touch of colour in the garden

It is mid winter, although there has not been a huge amount of rain, just cold cloudy and yet frosts at night. sitting by the fire weather although we have walked most days. I moved the little girl statue so I can see her from the kitchen window, just a bit of colour with the pansies. Yesterday I drove over to Willunga to collect some oysters, the truck was late delivering them but I had a lovely chat to M and A who we usually go to Coffin Bay with. This morning there was another frost and it then again became overcast, last night the wind was up and roaring. After shopping we walked the beach which was unusually flat but every so often a large wave came in, had to watch what I was doing or I would have got swamped. Found a few shells, not many, the beach has changed again, great gutters through the sea weed. All very interesting. I need to make some rock buns as I have been feeling guilty about buying biscuits and I need to use up some eggs, the hens are almost laying too well. Off to do dishes and tidy up, trying to work out where we will go tomorrow for the SALA (SA Living Artists) events, they are on in various venues all around the State for a month, great fun going to see them but I need a plan.


Penny said...

This was a lovely description of winter 'Down Under'. So different from what days are like here in the States in the middle of summer. I think I would prefer your winter to our summer.

Barry said...

Hi P - some of the photos certainly share the cold. B