Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Coober Pedy photos

sorry I have been not posting for a couple of days but we have had a few disasters, a foal whose mother wouldnt accept it which means feeding every 2 hours but at last I think she is letting it drink.
Complicated by being in Adelaide yesterday for most of the day and having to be up through the night. I ache all over.
These photos show a bit of the town of Coober Pedy, with underground houses and mines, then a bit of the moon plain with the mica on the rocks, it was incredible and all sparkly in the sun I think the aboriginals call it the starry plain. Then a bit on the dog fence which is erected to keep the dingo's away from the sheep grazing lands, interestingly they also keep out the feral foxes and cats who eat all the small hopping mice and lizards so ecologically it is a two sided thing.
Then a photo of the dog fence going across the moon plain and finally one of the mesa's who form the Breakaway Ranges. I loved them and there are more of this area to come.

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