Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Walking this morning, a very low tide

I seem to have an infected cheek, dont really know how or why but ended up seeing the duty doctor late yesterday afternoon so am now on antibiotics, still feel rather off and trying not to scratch. Looks awful and I am not keen on being seen out in public. We walked this morning, a very low tide and it was windy and can you believe it, cold. The Pacific gull was standing on a sand bank that was way out of the water, there was froth and bubbles and only one other person and her dog, daisy on the beach. I walk so slowly compared to others. I have a chicken curry on for dinner, I have repotted some succulents and given some of my pots some soluable fertiliser and made a ratty body and two arms. On my way. Hope I feel better tomorrow.

1 comment:

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Usually you feel better as soon as you take an antibiotic. You may want to take a Probiotic as well. Terry has had bowel issues since he took meds for a sinus infection. Can you believe this guy just turned 71 on Monday and has NEVER eaten yogurt? I forced him to try and now is eating it every day and there has been improvement but he's still not right. Another issue to add to his other illnesses.

I like these pictures today. Low tide is pretty cool.
xx, Carol