Monday, November 17, 2014

Hand made, and made by nature

we have had some glorious rain, not a huge amount but certainly enough to put some water in the tanks and make everything look a lot fresher. I had a lovely visit from friend r today, we had lunch and then a wander around the garden and the ponies, all in the rain but it was so lovely to catch up with her. We ring regularly but dont see each other terribly often any more. I washed today and it is now soggy but well rinsed on the line. The weather is going to heat up by Wednesday so it wont matter. The clouds have been most impressive, the beach has changed, again, and I love these circles carved out of the reef rock by stones, the tide was low enough for me to take a reasonable photo. One of the Yachts is still at its moorings and the Bluff and Wright Island looked good with the clouds around. A lovely walk this morning, not wet then but a bit cooler. I made a heap of brooches like this but have now moved on to something a little larger, we have 10 x10 cm small art pieces when we go to Ballarat, they are donated and sold for a charity and I thought these might be worth making a few of. Off to shuck fresh broad beans out of the garden for dinner, with baked potatoes and steak, simple but satisfying.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Love your art work, and the photographs.

Nat Palaskas said...

Penny, your artwork from nature is fantastic. I can see eco-dyed fabric used there. I'm jealous of you living by the sea - My dream never eventuated living by the sea. Still have a block of land there - Hugs Nat