Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tide and crane

My neck is not at all comfortable when I am at the computer so just a brief post of photos I took when walking the other day.
The opening of our little river, the Inman with the tide coming in, I loved the way the water was swirling around.
Just a bit further up this blue crane and his mate were wandering in the grasses by the edge of the river and they were very good and stayd for me.
I will be glad when I have a bit more information on this wretched pinched nerve in my neck but unfortunately I will have to put up with it while we are away as I think my appointments are getting so close to when we actually go.

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virginia said...

As usual, beautiful photographs. The tide coming in is most spectacular and as for the crane - he's a beauty. He is like the fellows we have here along the Rhine, but I thought they were herons. We have lots of storks circling around at present, probably after the frogs!

annie said...

As Virginia says... We have a heron who visits our dirt tank where the cattle water. out here in Texas. We can't get as close as I'd like, though. Beautiful bird....