Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Mason James Dunn and other photos

I took this photo of Gaby and Mason this afternoon, he is very sweet and she is being a great little mother so all is well.
The next photo is of the peahens looking at the Wisteria which with all this warm weather has suddenly come out.
Not a very nice day today really warm and very very windy.
Then another piece of work I did on the embellisher machine, seeing how velvet would go, it didnt do very well but with a bit of hand stitching it was ok.
Then a photo of the buildings at Geelong Grammar, the ploughed paddock had been a lovely smooth green oval the day before! Obviously it was being renovated.
Finally a photo I took on one of my early morning walks around Corio Bay, loved the peace of these fellows fishing.
After a very traumatic week I have finally calmed down a bit. I cuddled Mason and it was lovely to see Gaby looking relaxed.
Friends have left so the house is ours, it was lovely having Irene and Roger but was probably not at all relaxing for them.
A bit of sad news as we had to put one of the older mares down, not sure what the problem was but she had foundered and then hadnt coped at all well.
so really it has all been a mixed bag of emotions.
I think I would like a calm week but it probably wont happen.


Doreen G said...

What a lovely photo of Gaby and Mason I am so glad all is well with them.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby, glad that mother and child are doing well. Beautiful wisteria and the peacock just icing on the cake. I like the picture of the buildings and of course as you say very peaceful looking of the boat and fishermen.


Unknown said...

Well done! Good to know that the newest addition arrived and that everything is okay!