Friday, September 28, 2007

Trying FME

I have been not doing a great deal or at least not things I am happy with but I decided that I needed some practice in FME so fused these petals down and had a play with it. I really wasnt madly happy with this side but when I turned it over i really liked the outlines I had so perhaps it isnt as bad as I thought.
We had another foal born last night, a very sweet filly and all ok even though she had to come into the stables as we had such a rough and wild night. Still high winds and rain but probably all blowing away.
We had to go to a dinner last night put on by our dairy company we supply. I wasnt madly happy with the way things seem to be going, a few too many stuff ups in my opinion. The meal was just ok, but we left before the sweets arrived as they were getting so late and both John and I were tired.

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