Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yesterdays walk and a small book of original art work

we walked yesterday morning, the clouds were incredible but it was cold with a sharp wind. we havent walked for nearly a week and the beach had re arranged itself with a lot more sea weed and very few shells. We seem to have an outbreak of what I call 'fluffies' little white cross bred dogs being walked on the beach, I guess they are well loved but all that white hair, and some are not at all well put together. You can tell that on the whole I am a pedigree dog person. (apart from Max who is mostly blue heeler but with a touch of something else, but he is a 'real dog, big and important, even if he is terrified of strangers. I dont dare walk him on the beach, paddocks are more his thing. I spent part of today trying to clean the house, after a bad night with aches and pains I havent quite got around to the vacuuming but I made a small accordion book with some of my original gelli plate art, cut up and re arranged stuck in, not quite finished but you get the idea. They are nice to hold and look through. John had a meeting near Adelaide today so I had better go and at least pretend I have done some of the house.

1 comment:

Gwen Buchanan said...

My dear Penny, Your book is gorgeous... Thank you for the surprise... I posted my surprise gift on my blog so I can share with others too!!! Thank you so much!!