Sunday, November 02, 2008

Morning walk

We went to the beach near Hayborough this morning again, We had had a huge thunderstorm early this morning and did score about 11 mm of rain which isnt much but anything helps. The clouds were spectacular and people were out walking their dogs, the only draw back about this beach, too many dogs.
I loved the leaning pine tree and the green curly seed pods on the coastal wattle.
We both came home and worked like mad, I have to get this house in some sort of order for the judges next week, so I began by sorting out the pots in the sun room and moving a lot of them out to their summer quarters, my sun room gets terribly hot in summer but is gorgeous in the winter.
I have made up the beds, tomorrow I hope to really start cleaning, John had thank goodness done the shower alcove while I was away yesterday.
I have a really busy week, up to Adelaide for a Melbourne Cup lunch and see my mother, hope for a better mood then, back on Thursday for the Craft Fair, the only day I can get to it.
John has meetings almost all week too. Then the Show on Saturday and Sunday and entertain the judges for 2 days.
I am also hoping we can manage to get to the opening of the Fleurieu Biennale on Friday evening, this is the richest landscape prize in Australia.

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