Thursday, April 06, 2017

Yesterdays low tide walk and part of the stuff I have packed to take to Ballarat.

I will be away from early tomorrow morrow morning until Thursday evening. Class at Ballarat with Anne Kelly. I seem to always take so much stuff. Hope I survive, my back has not been good all week. The weather is quite warm now but the forcast is for much cooler over the week end, so more clothes to cope with everything. Always look forward to it but suspect this will be my last year. I am taking the tablet so hope to find time to report in.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

OMGosh, I'm behind on reading. Here it is Thursday and you'll be back soon. Hope you took the right clothes and have a great time.
xx, CCarol

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I THOUGHT I misread that!! duh. Anyway, enjoy your week!
xx, Carol