Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A watching tree frog

 John went into the orchid house this morning to water and said he felt as though he was being watched, and there was this delightful little brown tree from looking at him from the midst of the leaves.
They are very sweet and only about 2 inches long if that.
Still no rain so the sprinklers are on.
Quite warm and humid, it feels like rain but that is all.
I have 4 stitches on the back of my right hand where a potential nasty was removed, that was my mornings effort, I want to do some stitching but the hand is still a bit numb.
I think I will read my book instead.
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Julie said...

What a cute little frog! All snuggled down in the leaf! Hope your hand heals quickly so you can get back to stitching again, Penny!!!

Anonymous said...

He's cute :)

Barry said...

P-brilliant frog discovery; and thanks for sharing. B