Monday, March 02, 2009

Painted and crumpled brownpaper

I do this every so often but I need to cover some small note books and this will be a start.
And what did I do today, apart from that? I saw a specialist who looked at my knees, wriggled my knees until they hurt and told me there was nothing he could do they were just old arthritic knees and I had abused them quite successfully in my life but nothing he could or would operate on and in fact even looking at them with an arthroscope (sp?) would do more damage than good and to keep on managing the best I could. eg, more pain killers!! More or less told me that these were nearly 70 year old knees and that is why lots of people from down here go to Queensland in the winter.
So I came home chasened and crumpled brown paper!
John has had his stitches out and the path report says they have got it all so that is good news.


Doreen G said...

It's amazing the effect that crumpling brown paper can have oneself.
This piece looks great.

Anonymous said...

Love the paper sorry to hear about the knees though.