Monday, June 24, 2019

A special 1st birthday

Yesterday was Matthews 1st birthday. We gathered at Kent Reserve to celebrate with a bbq it was sunny but very very cold. Lovely day and he seemed to enjoy it. This morning was a very cold morning, frost all over the front lawn and ice on top of the rubbish bins. Still only 6 degrees when we walked on the beach around 10 am. I havent really warmed up all day, I really dont like the days when the frost starts with a clear sky and then the clouds come in, even the clothes I washed early this morning havent dr4ied. Perhaps a better day tomorrow.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Love that cake!! Very cute birthday boy too! We are entering a week of heat and humidity and rain. Brother.
xx, Carol....get warm

The Weaver of Grass said...

We on the othr side of the world are having a day of extreme humidity and thunder lurking around.

Diana Studer said...

Frost on the bins! We have driving rain and some wind. Himself is out hiking ...