Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wonderful clouds this morning

It has suddenly got very hot about 36 degrees and a bit humid, after the lovely cool weather we have been having a bit of a shock. I have spent all morning either washing or preparing and stewing the plums I collected on Sunday for freezing. It got rather warm in the kitchen but that is one job finished. Suddenly in the night I thought I might turn the surplus zuccinis into a base for soup for the freezer too. That hasnt quite happened as my feet are rebelling about the heat. perhaps a little later on, its is such a shame not to use up the produce from the garden. Aftaer all I did clean out and tidy up the chest freezer so there is room. Just so long as I remember them.

1 comment:

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I am patiently waiting for our Spring to appear. We spend a lot of time outside and love watching the sky for birds AND looking at clouds. Of course, Terry always has to comment about seeing chem trails as well.
xx, CArol