Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Walking yesterday and today

We walked around by Kent Reserve yesterday,(the first two photos, I love the Bluff when she is reflected in the water like this) it was early and it was very hot by the time we got back to the car with the sun reflected off the sea. John had an eye appointment so it was a bit like a route march but this morning we were also early, but the cool change had come in and it was very pleasant, again early as this time he had a fasting blood test. I got my shoes wet as it seemed easier to walk across here where the Hindmarsh River had broken its banks, a bit of a surprise at this time of the year but the tides have been high and a lot of sand has been moved around. We had a more leisurely but much longer walk this morning which was nice, mail and papers to get and home before 10 am It is lovely to be cool, after yesterday and it is going to heat up again in the next few days. So a lot of watering to do while we can and things in the house to tidy, washing to do, but its a bit of a sleepy feeling day after all that heat!


Hill Top Post said...

Beautiful, blue water and blue, blue sky...such a lovely place to walk.

Robin Mac said...

Gosh Penny, I am finally catching up again on all your doings. You have had some crazy weather down there, we are nearly being blown away up here, but not much rain as yet - no doubt that will come in the next few days. Cheers

Suztats said...

the photos look so calm and beautiful, penny. Glad you're cooling off a little. We shall warm up for a few days to a high of -4C-- it'll be a nice change.

layers said...

How lucky you are to have such beautiful places to walk.