I havent felt much like blogging.
It was our grandsons funeral on Friday, So many people, so many young ones, his coffin had photos of him all around it. I think one of the most touching moments for me was one of the boys who had to leave early lightly ran his fingers over the coffin as he left.
He was sent off well and the burial site on the property couldnt be better, overlooking the valley and their farm, but I was at the end of it all exhausted, I have had the family from Melbourne here since Wednesday night, they left on Saturday morning so a rushed trip to see as many people as possible. A dinner for 9 here on Friday night, so yesterday I put my feet up.
Today I drove a bit over an hour to a foal show to see our lovely cream colt take out the Supreme Welsh foal of show which is lovely but now I am tired again.
This book of Maggie Greys arrived on Friday and is a delight and the fingerless gloves I finished one day last week, they are a lovely silk and wool
I think I have enough to make the next pair.
It has been drizzly and damp interspersed with a bit of sun, the sun has been lovely, as has the drizzle but it is not helping me to get my washing dry.
Off to read my book and perhaps do a bit of knitting while I wait for J to come home from fishing.
Hope this doesnt sound too incoherent.