Still recovering, we left at about 5 am on Monday morning and drove 11 hours across Victoria to Upper Lurg to stay with our friend Mark Bullen, tired but arrived safely. A lovely dinner party that night with old friends we dont see very often any more. Tuesday was a rest day, sort of, I wandered Marks garden and took some photos of the views, Mark has the most lovely ponies and we were there to pick up a lovely Section B stallion we have on loan for we hope 2 years, he is such a lovely boy I cant believe we are so lucky. We went to have lunch with another friend Sally, at her lovely Nilton Park Stud, I havent seen those ponies since her mother died quite a few years ago, a lot of them and rather fat but a beautiful house and property. We had a fun lunch with her son and grand children and then out to see the ponies, the paddocks run down to the River Oxley. Home to Marks for a rest and then out to the Glenrowan Pub for dinner, Tuesday is $10 night and we had a very nice meal.Caught up with friends again but home relatively early as an early start the next morning. Some chat and I fell asleep on the couch. Up and off by 5 am again, dropped off and picked up a pony along the way and another 11 hours to home. We were both quite exhausted by then. Thank goodness John made dinner and I fell asleep in my chair.
We had Popped the new stallion in with 4 mares when we got home, he looks lovely and at least 3 of his mares were in season so that worked out really well. We had also had a foal while we were away but I didnt see him until the next morning. I was disappointed in the pony we had picked up(not the one from Mark, he is a beauty) but with a mane trim he now looks less depressed and if he will put on some weight might end up ok. The bloodlines are good. Thursday ponies came and went, a colt arrived from NSW, payment for a stallion we leased out, he is very small but again good bloodlines and he is only a yearling and a late foal to boot. We will see how he will go. two geldings went as well.It is Agricultural show time here and Sarah is washing ponies for one tomorrow, then we have a few but these are ponies under saddle. We did so well at both the Royal and Champion of Champions with ponies bearing our prefix under saddle, it is a credit to Sarah and I suppose me too as it was our home bred ponies of several generations, all credit to them.Oh and the last photo is of a pony I bought, I dont often buy these days, from Mark a few years ago, awaiting her first foal, she is gorgeous and I am so pleased with her.
John is off fishing, I hope to do a bit of house cleaning, but it is a lovely day infact the whole week end, blue sky and warm, Hope yours is as good.