The top photo is of the women in the car park at the textile market we went to, all wearing the sarong lenghts on their heads. I bought the blue one and quite a lot of others as they were so cheap, in a way I wish I had bought more as there were so many lovely patterns. Less than A$4 each, as it was they were quite heavy and my luggage didnt need any more, tour leader Cynthia is in the center.
We went to the Museaum of art and in the grounds this lass from the village that is renowned for its double ikat weaving and her husband had set up a small area. She is using a back strap loom and you can see one of the larger pieces in the back ground, that had possibly taken 2 years to make.
Below is the one I bought, 18 months to 2 years in the making, front and as it comes off the loom at the back. I paid quite a lot for this piece but I love it. I probably wouldnt have paid as much had this not been nearly the last day of the tour and I had some money to play with!
The husband made the calendars and bookmarks out of dried palm fronds, scratched into with a very fine stylus and then burnt candle nut rubbed in to show the design, I bought a bookmark which I still havent got out of its bag, they are real little works of art and I will probably frame mine.
Ubud is a fantastic place so long as you dont get caught up in the very commercial part of it, there are so many little back streets and compounds with fantastic work going on in small corners If you know where to look.
I have had a reasonable couple of days, I dont want to go on about what is happening, suffice to say it is slower than I would like!