Then we went to Pennington Bay for me to walk and John to fish.
Some one else had probably got this lovely leatherjacket and didnt know what to do with it so left it to die.
They make very good eating.
The clouds and sea were spectacular.
John had fun and lots of bites but only caught a tiny salmon trout! Quite a few people were on the beach, more than I have seen for a long time on Christmas morning.
Click on the photos to enlarge, you can click twice. We had our ham sandwich for lunch, I did some sketching and some hand sewing, then dinner, a good champagne with nibbles (which we didnt need but Johns pate is too good to not have!), followed by our skewered prawns and salad and then what we really didnt need, heated boiled fruit cake and yummy brandy butter. we both felt we had over eaten so today, so far, not too much.
We leave tomorrow morning so I am partly packed, the Melbourne family arrive late tomorrow and we are out to lunch and so it will be a bit of a mad rush, especially as the beds are not made!
Back to the mad hurley burley of life.
What fun.
I hope all those who read this blog had an equally lovely day.
Hi P - best wishes to you and may the Christmas period be filled with peace and relaxation for you. Go well. B
I didn't know about clicking twice. Glad you mentioned it. What a great place to spend Christmas. The fish doesn't look appetizing because of it's colour and marking but I'm glad it was delicious. Talk about over eating.... We havn't stopped. Not a good feeling. I'm laughing because I heard M was looking into buying me a kindle for Christmas but I didn't know anyone who could teach me to use it so I put him off. Let me know how easy it is to use.
I've been showing Martin your photos and he is drooling over the fishing spots, especially the point in this batch.
I have the basic Kindle too! I used to think I would never like it as much as a real book, but I got a beautiful cover for it, adn it opens like a book, and I just love it so much! Especially for the ability to instantly get books! So far, I have ONLY gotten free Kindle books! If you go to Amazon and type in FREE KINDLE BOOKS, you can have a good time browsing through all of them. All the classics are free too! I also get a daily email from Pixels of Ink, with free and greatly reduced Kindle books. I think you will end up loving it!!! Have fun!!!
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