Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Morning and evening walk.

I have been so tired lately and not doing a lot. John draggd me out twice yesterday which was a good thing. I shopped for a couple of cool tops this morning, felt confused, I shop so raley for clothes but with all the sales on I thought I needed a couple of tops, something cool for the funeral on Friday which will be a 40 degree day, phew I dont like the heat anymore and nor do my feet, they swell. Any way, there were sheep close to the path in the paddock so I thought a photo of them wouldnt go astray. I am glad that we live down here, not Adelaide as it has been in the high 30's heading for 40 for a couple of days. No rain for weeks either. I am glad I am not on the farm and watching things dry out, I will be glad when we get to April, hopefully cooler and wetter by then, but if other years are to go by no guarantee.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Good Morning. Nice pictures. Drink plenty of water. I am always telling Terry that. It seems that his head clears when he drinks more water.
xx, Carol

Robin Mac said...

So glad you had some lovely walks, but the temps down there are so horrible. We have been incredibly lucky here with a good breeze blowing each day to make us feel cooler.We have had quite a few light showers as well - a nuisance if I want to go walking with Jess, but keeping the garden green. Hopefully the weather will improve for you soon. Thinking of you.